Wednesday, June 15

T.I.A. translation This Is Africa

Hello again!

We have had so much fun here in Hebron! We are all starting to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road, seeing obscure animals, and the language barriers. We are staying at a Rehabilitation Center which was started by an elderly lady named Gretta. She is one of the most incredible women I think any of us have ever met. The story of how she started this Rehabilitation Center is amazing. God has supplied all the funding and materials to build everything at the center. Her story really moved our hearts and we are all very inspired by her strength. She is in her 70's and is still building despite her severe arthritis. She is such a woman of faith and wakes up everyday looking at life like it's an adventure. She loves the Lord so much and has touched all our hearts in many ways.

On Tuesday we worked at the Rehabilitation Center where we... you guessed it cleaned out another storage room. Things we found this time include:
- Wood...lots of it!
- A scary paper puppet
- 2 flippers
- Lots of building supplies
- More wheelchairs
- Lots of carpets
- Broken Windows
- Sadly no coffins this time....Praise The Lord!

Most people come to the center because they are jobless and live in poverty. Many have drug and alcohol addictions. The center provides a place for people to get back on their feet and they also gives them work.  Tuesday evening we held a service with the people at the center. We sang many worship songs and a few people from our team shared their testimonies. It was an incredible evening and God really moved in the hearts of the people in Hebron. We were truly blessed to be used by the Lord to bring these people some of His love and joy!

Today we spent the morning visiting a children's daycare. The daycare is nothing more than a tin shack. There were more kids there than we even knew what to do with. But the team had an incredible time. We were able to play with the kids and help the mama's serve them lunch. We were really touched by this daycare. The poverty level is so high in Hebron that the daycare only charges a dollar a day for childcare and even then some parents still can't afford it. These mama's care for these kids as if they were their own. Before we left we asked the mama's if we could pray for them. We began to ask if there was any specific needs they needed prayer for. The mama's began to tell us that since many of the parents can't afford to pay the dollar a day fee they were running low on food and supplies. This pulled at our teams heart as we had fallen in love with these precious kids. We decided to spend $100 of our team money which will be enough food and supplies to last them two full weeks for all 80 plus kids! It's amazing to think that so little can make such a huge difference. We are so blessed to meet these sweet little ones!

The Lord continues to use this team in mighty ways and we are so thankful! We leave Hebron tomorrow afternoon and are planning a huge taco night with some local South Africans we have met! Only a few more days left God is good all the time!!!

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